October 18, 2003


Jim called the meeting to order. The minutes of last month was read by Anita. A motion was made to approve and seconded. Minutes approved. Deloris read the financial statement. A motion was made to approve and was seconded. Financial statement was read.


An announcement of the passing of Bill Ritchie was read. Our sympathy goes out to the family, as we will miss the loss of a member of our community.


E-mail was read from a possible property owner wanting to know the objectives of this group of property owners. Also, the email stated that it was an individual site when in fact it is the property owner’s site. The individual was invited to attend however declined.


A discussion about the minutes and handouts from the last gathering was held. Also reports from the property owners concerning removal and damage of personal property. Information to assist was requested and given. A request of all property owners if they have inflated invoices, knowledge of past or present owners being harassed by the collection agency, knowledge of items being removed, etc. Please give a copy to the committee. A review of the covenant was held covering the out of context portion in the handouts at the last gathering. Request for copies of the covenants was made and will be sent.


Fish fund was discussed and was again stated that neither the Citizen’s Committee nor the trusteeship has anything to do with it. It is the property owners that will make the decision.


Discussed the pollution at bathhouse #3 and the leak that has been ongoing for years. Also that the trusteeship pour concrete in a hole around the pipe to fix the leak. That several property owners went to the Health department to ask for assistance with nothing given in writing as to what the county health department will do. There will be names and addresses for every property owner that is concerned to send a complaint to DNR and the State Health Department. You may also file an online complaint.


Discussion of what the status of the attorney was. Was in the process of determining which would handle. Once that decision is made will complete the case for suit against the individual trustees.


Discussion of not allowing property owners on our property for not paying our assessments was held. When this was handed out years ago and it did not work and won’t work now. Also if that were the case everyone that did not pay his or her county or city taxes would not be allowed on their property.


A reminder of next months meeting on November 8th at 10 am same place was made. Also a reminder to let the trusteeship know of your dissatisfaction on how they as managing our park and by writing them asking for written answers.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned.