Please read the camp rules before proceding to the Application page!

The application must be signed by the camper and his/her parents and accompanied by a non-refundable deposit of $10.00.  Send in your application by July l0th to reserve a spot for yourself for this exiting week! The balance of the camp fee is due on or before the first day of camp. Camp is limited to 120 campers. If you cannot register until after July 10th, please call camp  director  to  make  sure  space  is available. Each camper must submit an application and deposit. One is not sufficient for the entire familv. Registration begins on the campgrounds at 7:00 P.M. on Sunday August 1, 1999.   Camp ends, and all campers should be ready to leave by 10:00 P.M. Friday August 6, 1999.

 Sponsor: Grundy County Church of Christ

The camp rules are designed to insure we will have a good week of clean Christian fun in a safe manner.  Each camper must read the rules before they can be allowed to attend. Violations of these rules will be reason for the camper to be sent home. The camp director will make all such decisions.

1. Camp schedules will be followed at all times.
2. Bible classes will be attended by everyone.
3. Cleanliness and respect for others is a must.
4. All sickness will be reported to the camp nurse. If it is after lights out, tell your counselor.
5. Campers are not permitted to leave the campground unless given permission by the camp director or his assistant.
6. A good attitude and character are expected at all times.
7. Modest dress is required. You may not wear halters or fish nets. Spandex type clothing will not be permitted as outer garments. Shorts andlor skirts must at least knee length. Clothing or caps with offensive lettering or logos will not be permitted.  One piece swimsuits for girls are required.
8. The following area's are off limits to campers unless schedule requires them to be there:
showers, lake, cabins of the opposite sex, chow hall, wooded areas, cars or parking lots and any of the unused buildings.
9. Horseplay inside any of these buildings, raids of other cabins, etc. will not be allowed.
10. Boys & girls will not "go off' together at any time.
11. Tobacco, alcohol, firearms, firecrackers, electronic games, radios, etc. will not be allowed if discovered by the staff, they will be confiscated and kept till the end of the week.
12. Rules for acceptance in the program are the same for all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, age sex or handicap.

  Camp Director: Bill Prindle
Campground Emergency Phone: 660-359-9277

Camper's Application Page Form