Collections Agency same as last time but just changed names.
Once again the management of the lake has not gained benefit from the errors of the past management and the property owners will again lose money that should be used for maintenance of the roads, buildings, and equipment. The management takes away the property owners right to vote, refuse to give a financial statement required by the recorded copy of the covenant, answer simple questions, refuse property owners access to the records, and the list go on.
The management hired back the same company as the past management did. If you look up this NCO on the web it will also be linked to National Revenue and many more. All of which seem to have pending lawsuit and claims of cleaning out peoples bank accounts. Do not give any personal information to these people and contact the lake management and remind them that they should not do it either. This should be done by certified mail as the management will act as if the correspondence was not received. Check the feedback and pending lawsuits against these companies. Do not talk with these companies request everything in writing and remember do not give any personal information at any time. Ask for supporting documents from these companies to prove that the management is following the guidelines of the covenant.
The last attempt at this harassment resulted in property owners losing money that was required to be paid back because of incorrect information given by the past management and now the current management is doing the same thing. Why wasn't the money paid to this company used for long term commitment for improvement on the park? How much money will be wasted and then the current management will say that nothing can be accomplished because property owners won't pay their assessment.