Maintenance of the Park
According to a newsletter sent out by the trustees dated 2007 and received by some property owners in December of 2006 the trustees spent $20,222.51 dollars in improving the roads. What did they improve the roads from since the roads are full of pot holes, ruts, wavy, tires in the ditches, etc. This is an improvement from what? Also if this was spent on gravel only it would mean 118.96 loads of gravel where place on the roads if the cost of each load was $170.00. Property owners are required to speculate as the result of not receiving an itemized accounting of money received and spent by the acting management.
Some question to ask are:
1. Why was the letter dated 2007 when it was supposedly address thing that happened in 2006?
2. Why was it stated that the trustees spent $20,222.51 on rock, was that the trustees personal money or was it borrowed, assessment money, etc?
3. How was the $20, 000.00 save by using so call volunteers? What did they do? What can the property owners find that are long term improvements? That would mean that at $8.00 an hour these volunteers would have to have worked 2500 hours.
4. Why sell off the assets of the property owners with no plans on long term improvement or the input of all the property owners?
5. What good is wasting the time and money on the building for the annual meeting when no business meeting has been held for several years? The trustee represent by writing that there will be an annual meeting however never hold one. Perhaps that is the way to get the assessment paid.
6. Why are the trees on the lake property being cut for personal use, profit or just because the management wants them cut?
7. Why does the management of the lake refuse the volunteers because of none payment of their assessment. Volunteers are volunteers with no consideration for compensation therefore assessments or not these property owners should be allowed to improve the lake.