Why are there conditions on volunteers? One such condition placed on volunteers by the trustees are that assessments must be paid. However they only abide by this when it is convenient. An example is at the so called annual meeting there were individuals that handed out information that did not own any property but where allowed to participate in the so called annual meeting. Why? They also operate the trust equipment without owning or paying anything.
Perhaps if all property owners could help with improvement of the trust then the need for paying assessment would be seen.
Each property owner should figure out how much per hour and how many hours that the trustees stated the volunteers saved in 2006. Try using $8.00 an hour to figure this out. Then ask what was accomplished. Some of the items that can be remembered are: tearing down the play ground equipment, pulling primrose from the little lake and placing in the run off to be washed in the big lake, grading under new rock, mowing certain lots, painting the only bath house left, scrambling the radio so that the trustees can have secret conversation/maybe, cut trees, move property off lots, burning trash without the required permit, etc.